Membership of ISKA is open to anyone with an interest in sea kayaking. Our annual subscription is only €30.00 per annum or €50.00 for 2 people related and living at the same address.
For this you will receive our published magazine, usually available once or twice a year. You can join our regular meets and training events, and receive a part refund against training and assessment fees plus more.
ISKA membership is for a calendar year. Membership applications received up to the annual ISKA symposium will be allocated to the current year and will expire on the 31st of December of that year unless otherwise specified.
If you have any queries or problems, please send an email to iskamembership@gmail.com
ISKA committee
To join ISKA, you must be over 18, you must be able to swim at least 25 meters, and you must be proficient at treading water. You must also accept the following waiver:
“I accept that sea kayaking is an adventurous sport, which by its very nature is a sport that involves a degree of risk of personal injury or death. I accept these risks and agree to be responsible for my own actions and involvement. I accept that the Irish Sea Kayaking Association cannot be held liable for any injuries to me caused by others, or for any injuries to others caused by me, due to my participation or involvement at ISKA events.”
If you have not previously joined ISKA, you can join ISKA here: https://members.iska.ie/register
If you have previously joined ISKA, you can review your membership here: https://members.iska.ie/login
For login issues see https://www.iska.ie/help/
You can pay the membership fee by any of the following methods:
- Bank transfer: Account name: Irish Sea Kayaking Association, BIC BOFIIE2D and IBAN IE98 BOFI 9001 7265 5617 57
- Debit or credit card: Pay ISKA membership via Stripe