ISKA was formed over 25 years ago to provide a means for sea paddlers to communicate with one another, share information and get together for regular meets. We are an association as apposed to a club and our members are spread throughout Ireland and beyond.
We are drawn to the sea by a common interest, a spirit of adventure and freedom plus the value of sharing knowledge and experience. If you have an interest in sea kayaking and would like to join us, new faces are always welcome. Our only requirement is for you to have a basic level of competency (be able to stay upright), your own boat and gear and a level of enthusiasm.
We organise regular meets in different parts of the country, from March through to October. If you are new to the sport and want to get a feel for how we do things, a Come Try It weekend normally takes place in May. We usually also have one major event, our Annual Symposium, with a range of activities and workshops. Meets details are published early in the year.
If you would like to come along to a meet or two before deciding whether or not you would like to actually join ISKA, you are welcome. Foreign visitors to our shores are also welcome to join any of our get togethers.
Our committee co-ordinate the association, in conjunction with arranging meets, publish our magazine, with representatives in different locations to facilitate members locally. For information on what is happening near you, send us an email and we will put you in contact with your nearest committee member to assist and point you in the right direction.
Anyone joining any of our events as a member, invited guest, visitor or otherwise must have an awareness of the risks involved. It is automatically assumed you accept absolute responsibility for your own actions and that you are aware we do not hold any insurances.
You can contact us by email using
ISKA Committee