4 Star Leader Award Training (Canoe)

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4 Star Leader Award Training (Canoe)

Post by hdonnelly » Sat Oct 26, 2013 7:51 pm

Next date at Tollymore National Outdoor Centre is Fri 10-12 May 2013
Cost - £155
Check out http://www.tollymore.com/Courses/Canoesports

Achieving your 4 Star is recognition of having the skill level and understanding to lead a group of 4 competent paddlers in appropriate locations up to moderate conditions.

The 4 Star is an ideal award for those club paddlers who are leading club trips. The 4 Star is also a prerequisite to attending your level 2 coach moderate endorsement. For full details of the 4 Star leader award syllabus and relevant course guidelines, candidates should visit the BCU website - www.bcu.org.uk

The assessment will run over two days and most of the on the water activity will take place in a moderate environment. The assessment will focus on the following key areas:

Application of boat handling skills to the moderate environment such as:

Efficient and effective open water skills ability to manage boat confidently up wind, downwind and across in force 3
Efficient and effective grade 2 river running skills including eddy selection use of the flow etc
Ferry gliding
Rafting and sailing
Lining and poling
Supporting and balancing
Safety and rescue such as:

Dealing with a swimmer swiftly and affectively
Open water self and deep water rescues in a range of conditions whilst maintaining control of group
Towing strategies
Throwline rescues
Safety equipment its use and application
Protocol for dealing with an incident, effective team leader
Rescuing equipment and affective risk assessing
Safety, leadership and Group skills such as:

Leadership strategies, judgment and decision making
Safety awareness and risk assessment
Group control and management
Use of maps for orientation and escape route
Duty of care and responsibilities
Selection of suitable kit and equipment

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