Call for nominations

Posts by the ISKA committee for discussion by members and posts by members for the attention of ISKA committee
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Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:37 am

Call for nominations

Post by johnd » Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:35 am

As you may have noted from our previous e-mail and forum posting, one of the topics of discussion at our recent committee meeting was our plan and calendar for the upcoming committee elections. We have worked through many of the issues and would like to bring you up-to-date and ask for volunteers and/or nominees for the various committee posts.

Perhaps the issue about which members had expressed the strongest opinions was that of anonymity in the voting process. As a result, we have been working on an anonymous internet based survey and feel that this is the best tool for satisfying this condition while allowing the process to be completed as efficiently as possible. Our webmaster, John Dempsey, has kindly done the ground work and helped us to trial the tool and we have confidence that it will fit the purpose. If and when it comes time to casting votes, we will give you a detailed description of the tool and instructions for using it and answer any questions or concerns that you might have.

Another of the substantive issues that was generally agreed was that a two-year term was the most suitable for ISKA committee members and with that in mind and taking into account Jon and Trish’s positions the following are the committee positions that are available to be filled:
ChairpersonJon Hynes
Secretary/TreasurerTony Walsh
T na dT Editor Sue Honan
WebmasterJohn Dempsey
Meets OfficerTrish Carraher (resigned)
Regional Reps
South Jon Hynes
West repColin Francis
North West Mary Butler (also Acting Chairperson)
The next step is to ask you all to consider putting yourself forward for these committee positions. The term is two years from October 2016 to September 2018. In most cases, the role will be a standard committee role associated with the position title, however, if you have any queries whatsoever about what a particular role might entail, please do not hesitate to contact the committee at In respect of the Regional Representative roles, it is expected that the person in the role will organise a meet and represent the views of paddlers in his/her area on the committee.

To volunteer or nominate another member, please complete the table above and return it no later than midnight on Saturday the 20th of August by e-mail to To ensure fairness and that we stay on schedule, we will adhere strictly to the deadline. To put yourself forward to serve on the committee, you must be a member at the time of this communication. All nominations must be made from your registered e-mail. To check your registered e-mail address or to amend it, please contact Tony at

Also please note that we are not asking for volunteers to be nominated by another member with their nomination seconded by a third member. In order to give every member an opportunity to put their name forward, we are happy to accept volunteers / nominations from the member themselves. Nominations for the Regional Representatives should only be by those in that region. Please note also that regional representatives can hold a second position on the committee, other than a second regional representative post, and we would encourage any prospective regional representative to consider putting their name forward for another of the committee positions.

In the event that we have more than one volunteer or nominee for a position we will then hold the vote using our anonymous internet survey in September. We plan on allowing a couple of weeks between the closing of the nominations and then circulating an e-mail to members on or about the 3rd of September with candidates and voting instructions for any post for which we receive more than one volunteer / nominee. As per our schedule, the voting deadline will be midnight on Saturday the 24th of September. The new committee will be ready to go ahead of the symposium in early October.

Just to note that the other committee positions are as follows and hopefully the chaps in situ will be able to stay on for a second year.
PositionHeld by
Training OfficerRonan O’ Connor
East repMichael Carroll
Northeast repLorna Campbell
If you have queries regarding the roles, the election process or any other matter, please feel free to get in touch with the committee or post on the forum and we will do our best to respond promptly.



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